Aurora Borealis from Chena Hot Springs.

Aurora Borealis from Chena Hot Springs.
It was near to midnight and the sky was clear with subzero temperatures in fahrenheit, and this completed the "my day"

Friday, July 16, 2010

Summer oh Bummer

I've been meaning to do something in this blog for so write...eventually.

Summer. Hot. Sometimes humid. When it's humid in summer, it's hell. It's like an oven outside, slowly deep-cooking into your skin, your very pink meat from raw to ripe. Urgh. As hot as it was back in Malaysia, it was better because clouds were everywhere. Sigh~ oh well.

Nothing of note happened so far this summer. Probably I've mentioned this somewhere before, but here goes again. This summer I was given the opportunity to be in a research fellowship program - SURF, or in non-acronym talk, Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship. The main focus of the program is to give the fellows an opportunity to participate in graduate topic research while being paid as well as pique their interests in graduate school studies. Fortunately, I have been given a great chance to be working under Prof. Klimeck, the director of, a hub that centers on nanotechnology and the sharing of information of that field via online tools to the global community.

So far, the project I am working on right now seems to be on track and on schedule. It has been a great experience so far, one that I am glad to be in, considering I was kinda scared early on because of the pure intimidation of such a task. I learn stuff, I had fun..and it's all in a days work. And yeah, the money helps too.

Not to forget, SURF also helped a lot in enhancing the experience. We were given tours in Purdue's numerous research facility, like the Envision Center, the PRIME lab, the nanotech center etc.

Oh, how I wish I have another summer to be in SURF again...but then's hot... ;p