Taking the minimum amount of credit hours this semester has probably done me good. Felt great during the midterm exams, and was rewarded with good scores for them. Took an Android programming project class and it is going fine by my standard so far, with myself learning and discovering new things each and everyday. My application to graduate school is starting with the Graduate Review Exam (GRE) being a couple of days from now.
Overall, I feel fulfillment in my everyday throughout this semester...
Yet, I can't really say I am content. Yes, I am not content on what knowledge I have now and I am not content on my personal state being normal. That, I think, is normal for a person like me.
However, I am not talking regarding those. I am feeling not content on myself being not able to let go of certain things in the past.
It has been a couple of years and I am still thinking of my past regrets. It has been a couple of months and I am still thinking of it. It has been a couple of days yet it sticks in my mind.
I guess I don't know what to make of myself. sigh~